Avondale Park Playground, Grande Prairie, AB

Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie

Location   map
Address: 113th Avenue and 102nd Street
Parking: street parking

Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie

Surrounding Park Area: large grassy areas
Ground Cover: accessible artificial grass turf

Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie

Overall assessment: This is an excellent playground that is well suited for kids of a wide range of ages and abilities. I was a little unsure whether the ground cover would really be accessible, but I think it probably would work.

Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie

The large net climber was really different and a big hit with my family. If you are in Grande Prairie, you should absolutely check out this playground.

Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie
Avondale Park Playground Grande Prairie

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