Location: 254077 Rocky Ridge Road (Just North of Rocky Ridge)
Gordie’s review (4 years old): “What was the best part?” “Playing!”
Nicky’s review (13 months old): Oof! Oof (Woof! Woof! – what she calls most animals)
Day Pass Cost: Able to walk – 17 years – $10.99+gst, Adults $13.99+gst
Annual Pass Break Even point: Adult – 3rd visit, Child – 2nd visit. Guest and Nanny passes are available.
Parking: free parking lot
Food Services: concession open daily in July and August and weekends other months.
Age Range: All ages.
Stay Length: 2-4 hours.
Overall: Butterfield Acres had been on my list of places to go since Gordie was small, but for one reason or another we had never made it. We ended up meeting up with a friend of mine and her son this year on a perfect day. It was warm, but not too hot and not the least bit muddy.

There is a lot to see at Butterfield Acres, we spent a little over two hours there and there was quite a bit we didn’t get to before we had to go. The tractor rides are free, and pony rides only a $1.
I think Gordie would have loved these, but we didn’t get to either. If you are interested in taking in either of these features or the milking lessons, pay attention to the scheduled times so you can plan your trip around it.

The main attraction is of course the petting zoo. You can get right inside the pens and pet animals like pigs, rabbits and goats. Nicky loved this. Gordie thought it was pretty neat but was done after seeing a few different animals.

Luckily, even if your kid doesn’t have a major interest in animals, there is a still a lot for them to do. There is a lot of space to run around and a number of picnic areas where you can eat a packed lunch.
They have a couple of real tractors that you can climb on.

And a number of different play areas.
This one was pretty simple, but Gordie loved it. He did not want to leave.
Another play area has a large sandbox with lots of toy construction vehicles and ‘gopher hole’ tunnels.
If your kids loves animals, they will love going to Butterfield Acres. You can even buy some food to feed the animals. But even if they are less enthusiastic, they will still have a great time playing outdoors at the farm.
Have you been to Butterfield Acres? What did you think?
It looks awesome! I really need to get the kids there this summer. Great review!