Note: This is a private school playground. You may be asked to leave during school hours.
Location: map
Address: Aspen Woods – 1677 93 St SW
Parking: free lot parking. Lot closes automatically at 9pm. You may need to park on the street and walk in on weekends.
Gordie’s Review (10 years old): “It was interesting and entertaining”
Nicky’s Review (7 years old): “I liked all the slides and the parkour stuff because they were really fun to do.”
Robbie’s Review (4 years old): “I liked the slides and I liked the wobbly things”
Surrounding Park Area: Parking lots, school fields, treed area. Gaba ball pit installed Sept 2019.
Accessibility: There are steps to access some of the climbers.
Playground 1
Location: near the main parking lot on the east side of the school.

Age Range: 3-10 years
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: Unusual climbing structures with slides, steps, overhead features.

Shade: Some shade nearby from large trees
Seating: a few benches


This playground is primarily geared towards kids from kindergarten to grade 3 although kids a bit younger and older will enjoy it too.

It’s great for kids who like to try different ways of challenging their body through climbing, balancing, swinging and sliding.

Playground 2
Location: Around the back of the school on the south side

Age Range: 5-12 years
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: Tall climbing structure with tall slides, overhead features and steps.

Shade: shade from tall trees
Seating: a few benches
This second playground has some of the best slides in the city – tall and fast! Young kids may find the equipment a little hard to access but luckily there is another great playground just around the corner that they will enjoy.
You can’t see from one playground to the other so directly supervising both at the same time is essentially impossible.