Location map
Community: Cityscape – Northern end of Cityscape Drive NE
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (6 years old): What was your favorite thing? “I liked the music stuff.”
Nicky’s Review (3 years old): “That thing I went round and round and round. That seat.”
Robbie’s Review (9 months old): Liked playing with the musical stations with assistance.

Surrounding Park Area: Located along the Rotary-Mattamy Greenway. Next to a wetland pond.
Age Range: All ages.

Ground Cover: pea gravel
Shade: Limited

Playground Features: Large web climber, two seater bouncer, seat spinners, short climbing wall, 3 musical stations.

Seating: a couple benches
Accessibility: None.

Overall assessment: Located in the new NE community of Cityscape along Calgary’s greenway pathway system. Kids of all ages will love the musical stations and the web climber can be used in different ways by kids of a wide variety of ages.

Cityscape also has another playground located at the southern entrance to the community along cityscape drive.