Lovely community playground with accessible flooring set next to a wooded area in Elbow Park.

Location: map
Address: 800 34 Ave SW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (12 years): “Good playground for older kids. Lots of things to climb across.”
Nicky’s Review (9 years): “I liked they had things for little kids, and for anybody. I also liked how they had lots of things to climb up onto a platform.”
Robbie’s Review (6 years): “I liked the big spinny thing a little bit. But I fell.”

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire

Features: Preschool climber with steps and double slide. Large climber with slides, bridge, overhead features. Seated spinners. 4 swings (2 baby). Tall spinner.

Surrounding park area:
Accessibility: accessible flooring throughout the play area. You would have to go a fair distance through grass to get to the playground. There are steps up to the preschool climber.
Shade: Large shade trees near the playground.
Seating: a few benches and a couple picnic tables set back a bit from the playground.

Overall Assessment
This playground is set close to a nice grove of trees which gives it a nicer setting than many playgrounds. It is set quite deep into the park, keeping it far back from hazards. The playground offers a lot of play value for kids who love climbing and and navigating from platform to platform.