Location: map
Address: Aspen Woods – 20 Aspen Hills Dr SW

Gordie’s Review (10 years old): “It made for a good obstacle course”
Nicky’s Review (7 years old): “It was very fun. And I liked everything.”
Robbie’s Review (4 years old): “I liked the spinner”

Age Range: 4-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire

Features: Large climber with some unusual equipment, steps, slides, overhead features. Two accessible seat spinners.

Surrounding park area: school tarmac, grassy area. Close to Aspen Hills Forest Playground
Accessibility: Accessible flooring throughout the play area. Two spinners with supportive seats. Steps up to the climber.

Shade: little to none
Seating: a few benches


This playground is a Play On! Playground and has been designated as a project of excellence for meeting the best practices in youth fitness through sliding, swinging, spinning, climbing, brachiating (think monkey bars) and balancing.

You can tell a lot of through has gone into the design of the playground and school aged kids will find lots of different ways to test out their skills.