Location: map
Community: Sage Hill – Sage Valley Park NW (access from pathway)
Parking: access by pathway – neighborhood parking

Gordie’s Review (8 years old): “It was good. I liked how you could squeeze fun out of it”
Nicky’s Review (5 years old): “I liked the swing and the bouncer.”
Robbie’s Review (2 years old): “bounce more!”

Age Range: 2-10 years
Ground Cover: pea gravel
Shade: young trees near the playground

Features: tall climber with overhead features and slides. Camper preschool climber. Bowl spinner. 3 swings (1 Saucer, 1 baby). bouncer with bench seating

Surrounding Park Area: Connected to a large park area with pathways and a pond.

Accessibility: None.
Seating: a picnic table and a few benches.

Overall assessment: A solid neighborhood park with a lovely park setting. Older kids will enjoy testing out their skills on the overhead features and younger kids will love playing pretend on the colorful preschool climber.