Location: map
Community: Shawnee Slopes – Access North off James Mckevitt Rd west of 6 St SW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (8 years old): “It’s very unique. But there was a lack of monkey bars.”
Nicky’s Review (5 years old): “That’s where I learned to do the fire pole. It’s really fun. And I liked the rampy thing. And it was funny that I fell down the web. And I liked the spinner.”
Robbie’s Review (2 years old): It was a little too challenging for him. He ended up getting stuck and then was pretty much done with it.

Age Range: 3-10 years
Ground Cover: pea gravel

Shade: pergola shade over picnic area (which has a couple of benches not picnic tables), some large trees nearby

Features: 4 swings (2 baby), 2 standing spinners, climber with slides, web, overhead features,
Surrounding Park Area: pathways with bridge and grassy areas

Accessibility: none.
Seating: a couple of picnic tables and benches

Overall assessment: This playground isn’t huge but it features some unusual pieces of equipment like a spiderweb-like climber that kids will love to test their skills out on. The area is newly developed (and is a little hard to find on a map right now) and the park area surrounding the playground is lovely.