Location map
Community: Beltline – 1236 16 Ave SW
Parking: pay street parking

Gordie’s Review (8years old): “It was all pretty good.”
Nicky’s Review (5 years old): “I liked the spinny thing, and the worm [the hexagonal climber] and the slide on the hill.”
Robbie’s Review (2 years old): “slide again!”

Age Range: 2-12 years.
Ground Cover: pour-in-place recycled tire
Shade: Some large trees near the playground

Features: Hill slide, large web climber, bowl spinner, 1 person bouncer, hexagonal climber, ring spinner.
Surrounding Park Area: small park with grassy areas. Walking distance to 17th avenue. City run skating rink in the Winter.

Accessibility: Accessible flooring and pathways
Seating: benches and a couple of picnic tables

Overall assessment: This newly redeveloped park used to be the home of Calgary’s lawn bowling club. There is signage on the west side of the park that discusses the parks history as well as elements in the current design that alludes to this history.

The highlight of this playground is the tall hill slide. My 8 year old loved it, but my 2 year old was still able to do it independently. It also features a cool hexagonal climber – the only other place I’ve seen it in Calgary is at Telus Spark.

The playground isn’t huge but all three of my kids loved it and didn’t want to leave when it was time to go. A great new addition to the city centre.

Your map link for the Thompson family play park is incorrect. It shows it as being in NW Calgary.
Thanks for the informational website.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ve fixed it now