The playground at William Reid School has some challenging climbing equipment, lots of overhead features and some nice shade trees near the playground.

Location: map
Address: 1216 36 Ave SW
Parking: free street parking
Gordie’s Review (12 years): “Good for older kids. Lots of stuff to climb all over.”
Nicky’s Review (9 years): “I liked the colours they chose and all the monkey bars. And the long slides.”
Robbie’s Review (6 years): “I liked the web nest”

Age Range: 5-12 years
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: Large interconnected climber with slides and overhead features. Tall spinner. Web nest. 4 swings. standing spinner.

Surrounding park area: School tarmac and fields
Accessibility: none

Shade: There is an amazing large tree next to the playground
Seating: a few benches

Overall Assessment
This is a great playground for school aged kids who enjoy fairly traditional playgrounds. It has lots of stuff to climb, lots of monkey bar style equipment and would be great for playing grounders-like games.