Note: during the school year, Youthlink is only open to the public Friday and Saturdays. During July and August it is open to the public from Tuesday-Saturday.
Location: 5111 47 St NE http://www.youthlinkcalgary.com/
Gordie’s review (7 years old): “I liked how interactive it was”
Nicky’s review (4 years old): “The balloons” [they had a station where the kids could put their fingerprint on a balloon]
Robbie’s review (1.5 years old): “Whee-oo! Whee-oo!”
Day Pass Cost: Free
Parking: free parking lot
Food Services: visitors are welcome to make use of the cafeteria in the Calgary Police Service main building beside Youthlink on Fridays. There is also a picnic area by the pond for nice days.
Age Range: All ages. However, Youthlink is aimed primarily at grade 6 students and some of the exhibits contain strong content. If this is a concern for your family you are encouraged to check with the front desk.
Stay Length: 1.5-3 hours
Birthday Packages
Youthlink Calgary had been on my list since it opened in September 2015 but I was never quite sure whether it was going to be a good fit for my young kids. Last August I decided to check it out anyway and am I ever glad we did. It is arguably Calgary’s most underrated attraction and I highly recommend visiting.

The museum is arranged beautifully with displays and real police artifacts.

Many of the displays are interactive.

They also have some great photo-ops like these ones.

In a room near the front, they have a really cool display on forensic investigating.

You can also see what it’s like to fly in a HAWC’s helicopter simulator.

Some of the exhibits on gangs, bullying, online safety and drugs went a little over my kids heads.

But they loved seeing the police vehicles.

And don’t forget to check out the bathrooms.
My kids 7, 4 and 1.5 went through the whole museum and weren’t bothered by the strong subject matter in some of the exhibits but I can see how some kids or families may want to discuss this with the front desk before entering. I think everyone would enjoy and benefit from the museum though and I give it two big thumbs up.