Applewood Park Playground

Applewood Park Playground

Location   map
Community: Applewood – Applewood Dr at Applecrest Crescent SE
Parking:  free street parking

Applewood Park Playground

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): “I liked how big it was”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): “I liked the airplane bouncer”

Applewood Park Playground

Age Range: 2 years-10 years
Ground Cover: pea gravel
Shade: there are some trees on the outside of the playground.

Applewood Park Playground

Features: Large climber with slides and bridges, saucer swings, large web climber, airplane bouncer, musical feature, swing and baby swing, Apollo (large rope spinner), toddler climber, additional climbing features.

Applewood Park Playground

Accessibility: None.
Seating: several benches

Applewood Park Playground

Overall assessment: Applewood now has three great playgrounds (including the Applewood-Greenway Playground and Applestone Park Playground).  They left the older equipment at this playground and added onto it making it way bigger than it was before. The equipment is varied and will appeal to a wide age range.

Applewood Park Playground

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We do our best to ensure the information on Calgary Playground Review is accurate, however information and events are subject to change. Please contact the organizations directly to avoid disappointment.

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