Note: This playground is next to a school. You may be asked to leave during school hours.
Location map
Community: Tuscany – 65 Tuscany Hills Rd NW
Parking: Free street parking

Gordie’s Review (6 years old): “I liked trying to go around and around.”
Nicky’s Review (3 years old): “I liked climbing the ropes.”
Robbie’s Review (6 months old): Not as much shade as I would like for Robbie.

Age Range: 3-12 years
Ground Cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring

Shade: Not a lot of shade near the playground but there are some trees on the North side a few yards away.

Features: playground equipment set up in a circuit
Surrounding Park Area: school and school fields.

Accessibility: Accessible flooring throughout.
Seating: a few benches

Overall assessment: The equipment at this park is set up in a circuit-like pattern. It was designed to be challenging and support the middle school’s phys ed and fitness programs.
Younger kids can still enjoy this park though. My 3 year old loved climbing the web and walking up the bar slide and my 6 year old enjoyed trying to move around the whole park without touching the ground.