Location map
Community: Auburn Bay – Auburn Bay St and Auburn Springs Blvd SE
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): “I liked going up and down the logs”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): “I liked the big rock. But I couldn’t go down. Or up.”
Robbie’s Review (1.5 years old): Enjoyed climbing up the steps.
Age Range: 2-9 years
Ground Cover: pour-in-place recycled tire
Shade: some nearby trees

Features: Climber with big boulder, overhead features, slide, and steps. Swing and baby swing.
Surrounding Park Area: grassy area with pathway to the North. Across the street is another playground.

Accessibility: accessible flooring, steps up to the climber
Seating: a couple benches
Overall assessment: This playground isn’t huge but the park area is attractive, there is no pea gravel in sight and the log and rock detailing on the climber is fun and appealing. Even better there is another solid playground right across the road.