Location map
Community: Auburn Bay – Auburn Bay St and Auburn Bay Blvd SE
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): “I like the monkey bars.”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): “I liked those two slides.”
Robbie’s Review (1.5 years old): Most of the equipment was a little beyond him
Age Range: 3-10 years
Ground Cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring
Shade: some shade from young trees

Features: school-age climber with slides and overhead features, 2 swings (1 baby swing)
Surrounding Park Area: small park area
Accessibility: accessible flooring, a small set of steps
Seating: a couple of benches

Overall assessment: This playground was being well enjoyed by a group of school aged kids while we were there who particularly enjoyed sitting on the overhead features.
Although a little challenging for toddlers, school aged kids and older preschoolers will enjoy the variety of climbing features. Even better there is another solid playground right across the road.