Note: This is a school playground. You may be asked to leave during school hours.
Location map
Community: Collingwood – along Collingwood Drive just south of Northmount Drive NW.
Parking: Free street parking

Gordie’s Review (5 years old) What was the best part? “I liked everything”
Nicky’s Review (2 years old) “I got across” (she liked the wobbly balance beam)

Age Range: 2 years-12 years
Ground Cover: pea gravel
Shade: little to none.

Features: 3 tire swings, 2 bowl spinners, teeter-totter, tall globe spinner, Apollo Merry-go-round spinner, jeep cimber, preschool climber with slides, ramps, steps and bridges. Huge school-aged climber with overhead features, slides, bridges, rope bridges, wobbly balance beam, standing spinners

Surrounding Park Area: school fields opening out into a larger field area.
Accessibility: None.
Seating: a few benches

Overall assessment: This playground was newly completed this year. It’s huge with tons of great equipment for kids of all ages. It’s lacking a bit (okay a lot) in shade but the playground itself is fantastic.