Location map
Community: East Village – 7 Ave and 6 St SE
Parking: pay parking along the street and in a nearby lot

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): What was your favorite thing? “The rolly slide!”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): “Everything! The rolly slide!”
Robbie’s Review (14 months old): Had some difficulty as a new walker but kind of enjoyed the challenge

Surrounding Park Area: Pathways going to St. Patrick’s Island and Fort Calgary
Age Range: 0-12 years.
Ground Cover: Pour-in-place recycled tire flooring, pea gravel inside a wood perimeter

Playground Features: Large rope and log climber, drums, musical xylophone, climber with roller slide, pea gravel area.
Shade: young trees.

Seating: central wooden seating area, a few tables set back in the plaza area
Accessibility: Accessible flooring through most of the play area, however the ground is not level.
Overall assessment:
This playground is very different from other playgrounds in Calgary from the equipment itself to the position of the playground on a hill. Bigger kids will love challenging themselves on the ropes and logs.

Really young kids will love trying to walk around the uneven ground and climbing up on the stumps and platform. And everyone will love the roller slide. My kids loved this playground and didn’t want to leave when it was time to go. The playground isn’t huge but it can accommodate quite a few children and it is definitely unique.
This playground is walking distance to St. Patrick’s Island, Fort Calgary and the East Village Simmons building that houses Charbar, Phil and Sebastian’s Coffee Roasters and Sidewalk Citizen Bakery.