Location map
Community: Glendale – 2415 Kelwood Dr SW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): “I liked the big rock”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): “I liked that rock. And the two slides. And the other slide. ”
Robbie’s Review (1.5 years old): Liked going up the steps

Age Range: 3-12 years
Ground Cover: pea gravel
Shade: some large mature trees nearby

Features: school-aged climber with slides and bridges, large round spinner, standing spinners, climbing rock, large web climber, saucer swings
Surrounding Park Area: next to a school and school fields

Accessibility: none
Seating: several benches and a couple picnic tables

Overall assessment: Younger kids may find most of the equipment at this playground difficult but older kids will enjoy the variety of challenges. Unlike many, many school playgrounds you can even find some shade nearby from the large mature trees.