Location map
Community: Downtown – 225 13 Ave. S.W. (also known at 13 Ave Park)
Parking: Street parking is available along the park, however payment is required.
Gordie’s Review (2 years old): The red steering wheels and the ladder climber.
Age Range: 2-10.
Ground Cover: recycled tire flooring
Features: Preschool climber with a old west theme, slide, and bridges; school-aged climber with ramps, slides, flying fox and standing spinner; small merry-go-round spinner; saucer swing, regular swing and baby swing.
Surrounding Park Area: soccer field, tennis courts, theraputic gardening program, historic Haultain school (now the Parks Foundation Calgary office).
Shade: There would be quite a bit of shade given off by the playground itself and at the right time of day the tall building to the east. The trees in the park are still young.
Accessibility: The flooring is completely accessible allowing kids in wheelchairs or with reduced mobility to get right up into the play. The school-aged climber has ramps that go up 3 levels with panels, a canopy and room to turn around at each level. There is also a musical panel on the ground level. There is a saucer swing and a small merry-go-round spinner that could be used by people who were able to be transferred. There are a number of things that spin or swing for kids who benefit from vestibular motion.
Seating: several benches near the playground. There are more benches and some picnic tables in the surrounding park area.
Overall assessment: This Downtown playground is located in the same park area as the Parks Foundation Calgary office so it’s no surprise the playground is excellent. The western theme on the preschool structure is unique and provides a great opportunity for imaginative play.
Crawlers and early walkers will enjoy the accessible flooring and the ramps and it’s also a bonus that there are no rocks for them to eat! There is not quite as much to challenge kids at the upper age-range though.
My special needs brother accompanied us to this playground. He’s unsteady on his feet but felt very comfortable walking around the playground and even walked up the ramps by himself. He also really liked the saucer swing and the small merry-go-ground spinner. He could sit on it with Gordie and use his feet to move it around. It was really nice for him to be able to do something for Gordie.
This playground would be a perfect place to take kids with a wide range of ages or ability levels. They’ll all be able to have a great time on this equipment.