Location map
Address: Rangeview – Rangeview Dr SE
Parking: free street parking
Nicky’s Review (10 years old): “I liked how many ways there were to climb up”
Age Range: 2-10 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire
Features: large barn themed climber steps and slides, balance beam, tractor climber, swings (1 baby)
Surrounding park area: green space and pathway
Acessibility/Inclusivity: play area has accessible flooring throughout. There are steps up to the main climber. Ground level pretend play windows on the ground floor underneath the main climber
Shade: minimal but there are some young trees in the surrounding park area
Seating: a couple benches
Overall Assessment: This playground has an adorable theme that kids who love imaginative play will be sure to love. The playground isn’t huge but the main climber packs in a lot of different climbing features into a fairly small space.