Lovely neighborhood park in the community of Sherwood Park with some interesting equipment.

Location: map
Address: Sherwood Park and Sherwood Blvd NW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (11 years old): “Good community playground.”
Nicky’s Review (9 years old): “I like the green bars because I can use it in multiple ways and I like the rock because there are multiple ways to get up. ”
Robbie’s Review (6 years old): “Good! I liked climbing that big rock!”

Age Range: 2-12. Probably best for kids 4-10.
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: 2 swings (1 baby swing), slides, net climber, standing spinner, overhead features, box climber, climbers with slides, rock climber.

Surrounding park area: grassy area, basketball hoop
Accessibility: none.

Shade: young trees will provide some shade back from the playground
Seating: A couple of benches and large rocks that could be used for seating.

Overall assessment:
Very nice community park with some interesting equipment. Younger kids will enjoy the swings and smaller climber and slide and bigger kids will enjoy challenging themselves on the climbing equipment.