Location map
Community: Glamorgan – Grafton Park, Grafton Drive
Parking: free street parking
Note: This is a school playground – you may be asked to leave during school hours.

Gordie’s Review (3.5 years old) – “what did you think of this playground?” “I liked pushing mommy and (baby) Nicky on the spinner”
Age Range: 5-12
Ground Cover: pea gravel
Features: climbers with slides, tall globe spinner, large ring spinner, merry-go-round spinner, 2 bowl spinners, dinosaur climber, 3 saucer swings.
Surrounding Park Area: within a large park area with fields, a second school and playground, and a public playground (3 playgrounds in one park!).
Shade: little to none (the pictures look shady but it was really late in the day)
Seating: a few benches
Accessibility: None
Overall Assessment: This playground is great for kids who love slides, likes to swing or spin as well as school aged kids who are looking for a challenge. One of the best things about this playground, however, is that it is only a short walk across the park from two other playgrounds. Three playgrounds in one easy stop, what could be better than that?
Just thought i’d point out that the photos are of Glamorgan School Playground. The pink coloured playground on the same site belongs the St. Andrew’s School and the small one on the East side to the community centre.
You are totally right. Whoops. We went to a lot of playgrounds that day!