Location map
Community: Haysboro – 12 St and Haddock Rd SW
Parking: free street parking
Note: This is a school playground, you may be asked to leave during school hours.

Gordie’s Review (3 years old) – “what was the best part?” “the saucer swings!”
Age Range:2-12
Ground Cover: Pour-in-place recycled tire flooring
Features: preschool climber with ramps and slides;school-aged climber with slides, 2 saucer swings.
Surrounding Park Area: Next to a school, the playground is within a large fenced field area.
Shade: Surprisingly poor – the large trees are on the North side of the playground as so do not cast much shade.
Seating: 6 benches
Accessibility: Despite the accessible flooring, this playground is otherwise pretty inaccessible. The pathway that leads up to the playground involves a bit of a hill and ends at the ramp to the preschool climber.
There is no accessible way to get from the preschool climber to the rest of the playground, however, so you would have to go back to the grass to get there. Overall, this playground is not set up well for kids in wheelchairs or who are otherwise unsteady on their feet.
Overall Assessment: Although not truly accessible, toddlers and preschoolers will love the ramps and stairs on the preschool climber as well as the smooth flooring that will allow them to run around the play space.
Gordie loved playing on the saucer swings at this playground. I love them because Gordie, Nicole and I can all play on one at the same time.