Note: This is a school playground. You may be asked to leave during school hours.
Location map
Community: Ranchlands – 7811 Ranchview Dr NW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (7 years old): “I think someone my age would get a lot out of it”
Nicky’s Review (4 years old): Did not want to talk about it. She seemed to like the slides.
Robbie’s Review (18 months): Like climbing up the steps and walking across the catwalks.

Age Range: 4-12
Ground Cover: pea gravel.
Features: Climber with slides, catwalk, rope bridge. 2 seat spinners.

Surrounding Park Area: Next to St. Rita School and Ranchlands Park (which features knobs and kettles geological formations). A short walk to the Ranchlands community centre’s playground on the East side of the school.

Shade: Treed area to the East.
Accessibility: none.

Seating: a few benches
Overall assessment:
This is an excellent school playground with tons of space and challenges for older kids. On first glance it is deceiving just how full of equipment this playground really is. It isn’t ideal for toddlers but if you have older kids it is worth a visit.