Location: map
Address: Winston Drive north of 7 Ave SW
Parking: free street parking
Nicky’s Review (9 years old): “I liked the spinners and how they had different shaped things for climbing.”
Robbie’s Review (6 years old): “I liked the spinner”

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pea gravel
Features: Rope spinner. Climber with bridge, slide and steps and connected overhead features. 2 Seated spinner. 2 swings (1 baby).
Surrounding park area: Grassy areas with large trees
Accessibility: there are steps up to the main climber but you have to navigate grass and then pea gravel to get there.

Shade: large mature trees by the play area
Seating: a couple of benches

Overall Assessment
Nice new community playground in a quiet park.