What time is trick-or-treating in Calgary?
- Trick-or-treating generally begins when it starts getting dark outside in Calgary – around 5:30-6pm
- Peak trick-or-treating is around 7pm
- Some families, particularly with young kids may want to start a bit earlier but be prepared for people to not be home yet or to not be ready
- The most active trick or treating time is 6pm-8pm.
- By 9pm most trick-or-treaters will have gone home, however if it is a weekend and/or nice weather some kids (particularly older kids) will continue until 10 or later.

How do you know if a house is giving out Halloween candy?
- Signs that people are ready for trick or treaters include Halloween decorations and a lit porch light
- After about 8, skip any house with the front light off – even if they were handing out candy earlier they are probably done for the night.
- If you are done handing out Halloween candy turn off your the lights that face the street and bring in your front porch decorations.

What to do at your house if no one will be home on Halloween night
Option 1:
- Turn off your porch light and bring in your pumpkin or other decorations
Option 2:
- Leave treats on your step that kids can help themselves to. Chips work well for this as they come in a box and people tend to just take one. Otherwise use a big plastic bowl. We weren’t sure how this would go the first time we did it but it has worked pretty well and made me feel like we were still doing our part and our whole family got to go out trick or treating together. Not everyone finds this works at their house. Your results may vary.
Option 3:
- Put up a note at your house and take your treats to a nearby neighbour to hand out for you.