Looking for an activity to brighten your neighbourhood? Here are our three picks for simple things to do with the kids to make a positive impact in your community.
1. Painted Rocks/Kindness Rocks
Spread some love with kindness rocks, or just colourful painted rocks. Leave them for people to find while they are walking around the neighborhood.

Read more here about how we created our kindness rocks.
2. Chalk obstacle course
You can go with something traditional like hop scotch, create an obstacle course with suggestions for jumping, following and hopping or go with something abstract that inspires movement.
In no time at all, you can transform your sidewalk into something the whole neighborhood can enjoy while they are out for a walk.

3. Clean up Garbage
Looking for a way to give back? Picking up garbage is a great easy way to do it.
Pick green space in your neighbourghhood and go on a garbage walk. Take a garbage bag and some gloves. If you don’t have gloves at home, you can use small plastic bags or thick winter gloves will work – you can just toss them in the wash when you are done.