At Auburn Bay Schoolyou can find two fun playgrounds just a short distance from each other so you can double the fun!

Location: map
Address: 7 Auburn Bay Ave SE
Parking: free streeet parking

Surrounding park area: The playgrounds are both close to Auburn Bay School and are connected to a great pathway system and large fields
Gordie’s Review (12 years old): “Good for older kids, not great for young kids.”
Nicky’s Review (9 years old): “I liked the tall bar slide and that there were a lot of different things to play on.”
Robbie’s Review (6 years old): “I liked the spinny triangle thing.”

Playground 1 – Auburn Bay School Explorers Adventure Playground
Age Range: 5-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring

Accessibility: This playground has accessible flooring throughout the play space. The best access to the playground is from the pathway (from Auburn Bay Ave) and the slope along the pathway to the playground is a bit steep.
There is a small ramp with activitiy panels. Musical feastures on ground level. The rope spinner has a platform and opening for easier access.

Features: Large school-aged play structure with slides, overhead features and a small ramp. Ground level musical features. rope spinner.

Shade: there are a few trees near the playground
Seating: a few benches

Playground 2 – Auburn Bay Avenue Playground

Age Range: 5-12 years
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: Large climbing structure with standing spinner and bar slide. 4 swings (2 baby).
Accessibility: none

Shade: There are some large mature trees near the playground
Seating: a few benches

Overall Assessment
At this location you can visit two different playground right next to each other. The playgrounds are primarily geared towards kids 5-12 and were being well loved while we were there. Bring your bikes or scooters and enjoy the pathway while you visit.