Location: map
Community: Bridlewood – 207 Bridleridge Way SW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (8 years old): “I liked the flying fox even though it was hard to get onto the other platform.”
Nicky’s Review (5 years old): “everything!”
Robbie’s Review (2 years old): Loved going up the steps and across the main climber

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground Cover: pour-in-place recycle tire flooring
Shade: Some still young trees set back from the play area
Features: large school-age climber with steps, slides, overhead features, bridges, flying fox and balance beams.

Surrounding Park Area: School fields
Accessibility: accessible flooring and steps up to the main climber. The playground is more suited to someone unsteady on their feet than in a wheelchair.
Seating: a couple of picnic tables and benches

Overall assessment: This playground is great for a wide age range. The smooth flooring and steps make it easy for younger kids to get around and the set up is great for older kids who love to play ‘lava’ or grounders. It has some pieces of equipment that are less common on school playgrounds as well.