Note: This is a school playground, you may be asked to leave during school hours.
Location map

Community: Brentwood – 1484 Northmount Dr NW
Parking: free street parking
Washroom: the Nose Hill Library has a public washroom and isn’t too far away

Park Area: School fields and tarmac. There is a naturalized area to the south of the playground with planters, trees, rocks and paths.

Nicky’s Review (11 years old): “I loved how much there was to do, and how accessible it was. I really liked the parkour area.
Robbie’s Review (8 years old): “I loved how much space there was. I also liked the small swing. I also liked the monkey bars that moved.”

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring

Features: Large school aged climber with ramp and overhead features. Ground level features. Swings. Fitness/Parkour area. Large web climber.

Accessibility/Inclusiveness: Accessible flooring throughout the play area. One level ramp with space to turn around, interactive features and a canoe feature. Ground level ‘play house’. Gound level musical feature.

Shade: There are some trees near the play areas.
Seating: a couple of picnic tables and a few benches

Overall assessment: This new inclusive playground is bright and colourful. Although the main area of the playground does not have much shade, there is some shade nearby to the south of the playground. My kids loved the ‘ninja’ loop on the south end of the playground. It is walking distance to the nearby swimming pool and library.