This playground has a cute hawks nest theme and is great for small kids who don’t want to get up to high

Location: map
Address: 16 Hawktree Green NW
Parking: free street parking

Age Range: 2-8 years
Ground cover: pea gravel

Features: Raised gazebo with steps, double slide and small slide. Standing spinner, saucer swing.

Surrounding park area: small park area with large trees and grass
Accessibility: There are steps up to the main climber but you have to navigate pea gravel to get to it. The saucer swing can be used by kids who need extra support while swinging.

Shade: There are some large mature trees near the playground
Seating: a couple of benches

Overall Assessment
This is a lovely neighbourhood park that is geared primarily towards young kids. Bigger kids will still enjoy the saucer swing, standing spinner and horizontal bars. Young kids will love the low play structure with its cute hawks nest theme.