This bright orange playground in Mahogany is located in a small part area with a big hill along one side.

Location: map
Address: Mahogany Square and Mahogany View SE
Parking: free street parking

Nicky’s Review (9 years old): “I liked how there was a tower and once you got to the top, there were so many ways to get down. I also liked the saucer swing.
Robbie’s Review (6 years old): “I liked the saucer swing”

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pea gravel
Features: climber with gazebo shade and slide, overhead features, dolphin bouncer, 2 saucer swings. standing spinner
Surrounding park area: Basket ball hoop behind the playground, large hill on the other side.
Accessibility: none.

Shade: There are young trees near the playground. There is a large shaded seating area.
Seating: a few benches and a picnic table

Overall Assessment
This is a nice community playground. The gazebo provides some nice shade and a fun place for imaginative play.