We spend a weekend in Medicine Hat this Spring to explore some of the family friendly attractions right here in Alberta. We came up with a list o Family Friendly Things to do in Medicine Hat.
While we were there we also tried to check out as many awesome Medicine Hat playgrounds, parks, and spray parks as we could. Here are our picks for some of Medicine Hat’s best. Click here for a map of where the playgrounds are.
Medicine Hat Playgrounds, Parks and Spray Parks
1. Echodale Regional Park and Playground
Located a few minutes outside of the city on Holmson Road
Echodale Regional Park has a boat lake where you can fish, pathways, a historic farm (tours are available), picnic spots and a lovely little swim lake. The swim lake is open seasonally from approximately June to September when the temperature is above 14C.
Admission is free, there are washrooms/change rooms, a lifeguard and concession. There is also a nice ship themed playground next to the water.

2. Riverside Veteran’s Memorial Park
Located along 1st Street and 6th Avenue SE
This park doesn’t have a playground but it does have two two CPR locomotives, and a World War II tank. My kids were thrilled to be able to get right up next to them. This would be a great spot to stop and have a snack or a little picnic.

3. Family Leisure Centre Playground
2000 Division Avenue N
Located behind the family leisure centre, this playground has a viking ship theme and accessible floooring throughout. The shade is poor as the trees are still young but this playground was one of the highlights of our trip for my 6 year old son. There is also outdoor fitness equipment right next to the playground.

4. Rotary Park
North Railway Street and Balmoral Street SE
This quiet little park is popular for weddings but it also has a great view of the train yard. If you have a little train fan, they will love sitting and watching the trains while having a snack or running around in the grass.

5. Ross Glen Centre Playground and Spray Park
Ross Glen Road SE
Located on the South East side of Medicine Hat, this playground has a fantastic playground and a great spray park too! The playground is fully accessible with a cute jungle theme.
And the spray park features a huge bucket that fills up and pours again and again. There are also nearby washrooms and picnic areas.

6. Medicine Hat Tourism Playground
Ross Glen Road SE
This playground is located right next to Medicine Hat Tourism and just down the road from the Saamis teepee – the world’s largest teepee. A perfect playground to stop at if you are just passing by.

7. Saamis Rotary Playground
Sierra Blvd & Saamis Rotary Way
This playground has accessible flooring, ramps, and a multi-themed climber with train, ship and jungle components. There are also, washrooms, picnic tables, a covered picnic area and a great spray park.

8. Kin Coulee (Kinette) Playground
Kipling Street & College Ave. SW
Kin Coulee Park is huge and offers two playgrounds. The Kinette playground has swings, and multiple climbers as well as washrooms and great shade.

9. Kin Coulee (Round) Playground
Kipling Street & College Ave. SW
The 2nd Kin Coulee Park playground is located near washrooms and the band shelter. There are picnic areas nearby and large mature trees. The climbing structure has overhead features, slides and a bridge.
10. Central Park
11th Street & 3rd Avenue SE
The playgrounds at Central Park are old school, with a small merry-go-round, large merry-go-round and a painted cement slide shaped like a whale. The spray park is brand new and large. Tall trees surround the entire park.

11. Strathcona Island Playground and Spray Park
Strathcona Island Park (Minto Avenue SE & 5 Street SE)
Strathcona Island park has a Saamis Teepee themed playground with ramps and accessible flooring. There are also picnic areas, washrooms, pathways and a spray park.

12. Police Point Park
Police Point Park is a large nature preserve. There are lots of pathways but some of them are still suffering from flood damage. You can find information about good trails as well as info about the local wildlife at the nature centre.
We went on a short walk that they call the enchanted forest, located right behind the interpretive centre, where you can see both Prairie scrub land as well as forested areas. The nature centre also offers tours and programs including one where you can rent a GPS and try out geocaching.

13. Brooks Aqueduct Playground – Brooks, AB
This playground is not actually located in Medicine Hat, but if you are travelling to or from Calgary, it is a good stop along the way. The playground has a ship theme and is located right next to the interpretive centre for the Brooks Aqueduct.

Do you know of a playground that should be on this list?
The spray parks at Kiwanis Central Park (pictured) and Strathcona Island Park will reopen to the public on Saturday, along with nearby washroom facilities, the city announced on Friday. Four spray parks in the city have been off-limits under health guidelines meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus.–NEWS PHOTO COLLIN GALLANT