Location: map
Address: 2990 Cedarbrae Dr SW
Parking: free street parking

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire flooring

Features: Large climber with overhead features, a short ramp and slides. A dome-like climber. Seat spinner with back support.

Surrounding park area: School fields, and tarmac. It is connected to a large park area. It is between the community centre and the school. There are two ball diamonds nearby and soccer fields down a small hill.

Accessibility: inclusive flooring throughout the play area. Short ramp with play features and room to turn around. Auditory and tactile features. Saucer swing can be used laying down or with another person for support. Spinner with back support and handles.

Shade: Some shade nearby from the school.
Seating: a few benches and a couple picnic tables.

This playground is best suited for kids 4-12 years old but younger kids will still enjoy some of the ground level features, accessible flooring and ramp area. Kids who love climbing and monkey bars will love the variety of features at this playground.