The playground at Eugene Coste School has some really cool climbing equipment that will impress your older kids.

Location: map
Address: Haysboro – 10 Hillgrove Crescent SW
Parking: free street parking

Gordie’s Review (12 years old): “Good! It has a lot of good climbing stuff.”
Nicky’s Review (9 years old): “I liked that they had a lot of challenging things to climb and the spinning thing that you stand up to spin on it.”
Robbie’s Review (6 years old): “I like that spinner you sit in. It was really making me dizzy.”

Age Range: 2-12 years
Ground cover: pour-in-place recycled tire

Features: Large climber with overhead features, stairs and two sets of double slides. Large hexagon climber, sphere spinner, large wavy climber, 4 person bench bouncer, 4 seat spinners, rope climber, standing over head spinner, jeep climber.

Surrounding park area: large park area with green spaces, school fields, across the field is a community playground.
Accessibility: Accessible flooring throughout. Steps up to the main climber. sphere spinner provides back support

Shade: There are some large mature trees set back from the playground
Seating: a couple of benches and a few picnic tables.

Overall Assessment
This playground will cater to kids of a wide range of ages. The accessible flooring makes it easy for anyone unsteady on their feet to get around, and the steps allow easy access to the slides. The bouncer and spinner will be hits with young kids.
This playground really stands out for it’s unusual and challenging climbing equipment. Both the silver curvy climber and the hexagon climbers were big hits with my older kids.