1. Midtown Playground
Midtown – Midtown Court
Located a short distance from Iron Horse Park. This playground has an area for older kids and younger kids. You’ll be able to entertain a wide age range with the unusual equipment at this playground.

2. Coopers Crossing Discovery Playground
Cooper’s Crossing – Coopers Drive and Coopers Crescent SW
This park is designed to be more than just a playground for kids, but as a community gathering place for people of all ages. The playground itself is large and varied with both traditional and and natural playground features that will appeal to kids of all ages.

3. Hillcrest Playground
Hillcrest -Hillcrest Avenue and Hillcrest Road
This playground features some unusual equipment that kids are sure to love. There is a school-age area and a preschool area separated by a small grassy space. A great playground for a wide age range of kids.

4. Chinook Winds Playground
Airdrie – Chinook Winds Regional Park
This playground has equipment for little kids and big kids with accessible flooring underneath. There is a spray park right nearby as well as a skatepark.

5. Nose Creek Park Playground
Nose Creek Park
This playground features lot of space for picnics and the creek and pond give it a little something different from your average park. There is a good view of the school-aged playground from the outdoor exercise park, which is great if you have kids who require some but not a lot of supervision.

6. Jensen Park Playground
305 1 Ave SE, Airdrie
This playground is surrounded by lots of picnic tables and large trees providing great shade. The playground also has a cute theme and lots of swings.

7. Osborne Park Playground
Windford Drive and Windsong Blvd SW – Airdrie
The highlight of this playground is the zipline, but it also has some great climbing features and a lovely shaded seating area.

8. Nose Creek School Playground
Bayside – 1690 Baywater Park SW, Airdrie
Like most school playgrounds, the shade isn’t great and the setting is lacking. However the equipment is great including a roller slide, large rock climber and plenty of other climbing features as well as accessible flooring.

9. Sandpiper Park Pirate Playground
Bayside – Sandpiper Park – Bayside Dr. SW
This playground has an adorable pirate theme which makes a great backdrop for imaginative play.

10. Kings Heights Pond Playground
Kings Heights – Kingsmere Point on the most Southern part of the pond.
This playground has a lovely setting next to the pond, a castle theme and some great climbing features.

11. Meadowbrook Middle School Playground
1796 Meadowbrook Dr SE, Airdrie
This playground is located at a middle school so the climbing equipment is a bit more challenging than your typical playground.

12. Good Shepard School Playground
1319 Thorburn Dr SE
Located just across the field from Meadowbrook Middle School this playground has a fitness park, saucer swings, a large web climber and tons of other climbing features.