Awesome Playgrounds Across Southern Alberta – Playgrounds that will make you want to hit the road

Alberta has some really fun playgrounds. They can be a great stop on a road trip or a destination all on their own. Here are some of Alberta’s best playgrounds that will make your kids say “let’s go there!” I’ve split the list up into Southern Alberta and Northern/Central Alberta so if you are looking … Read more

Edmonton’s Best Playgrounds

Some of the best playgrounds in and around Edmonton We’ve been doing a lot of travel within Alberta over the last couple of years seeking out all the greatĀ things for families right in our own backyard. We came up with a list of 9 places to visit on your family vacation to Edmonton and we … Read more

Awesome Outdoor Swimming Pools In Southern and Central Alberta

Henderson Outdoor Pool - Lethbridge

These pools are more than just your average pools. You may also be interest in reading about Calgary’s outdoor swimming pools. 1. The Abbey Centre’s – Outdoor Aquatic Centre – Blackfalds, AB A little over an hour and half North of Calgary This pool has everything you could want – a large leisure pool with … Read more

Short Calgary Day Trips (less than 1 hour from Calgary)

Heading North Airdrie Airdrie is less than half an hour from Calgary making it an easy trip particularly from the North end of the City. Airdrie Parks & playgrounds Airdrie has some lovely parks including many awesome playgrounds.   Airdrie’s regional park Chinook Winds, has a spray park, playground and skate park all in one area. … Read more