You might think that non-walking babies don’t really need much in a playground. And you’re not wrong. But having been at many playgrounds while my 3 kids were babies, I can tell you that some playgrounds are much better than others.
The playgrounds on this list are great for babies, but they are also playgrounds that older sibling and friends will love. These playgrounds have great features for babies, like shade, baby swings, saucer swings, Apollo spinners, things at ground level, ramps and small slides.
Also, most of the playgrounds on this list don’t have any pea gravel so you don’t have to worry about your little one eating it and it is easier for them to crawl around.
Do you have a really mobile baby? Check out my toddler playground list.
1. Renfrew Park Preschool Playground
Renfrew 811 Radford Road N.E. (Beside the Renfrew Community Association – NOT the athletic park)
This isn’t the shadiest playground but you can find some shady spots to hang out. The playground flooring is outdoor carpet making it one of the best for crawling babies to move around on.
The playground has many ground level features as well as a ramp system that doesn’t get too high. There’s a small slide that you can hold your baby while they slide down as well as baby swings.

2. Currie Barracks Airport Playground
Currie Barracks – 2953 Battleford Ave SW

This playground is surprisingly great for babies. It is easy to find shade, they have little airplane bouncers, baby swings, saucer swings and pour-in-place recycled tire flooring through most of the play area. Babies will also enjoy pulling up on the airplane bars and gently spinning on the two big spinners.
3. Riley Park Playground
Hillhurst – 800 12 St. N.W (South of SAIT)
This playground has large shady trees, a playhouse on the ground floor, accessible flooring, a ramp, a small slide, a saucer swing and a baby swing. Riley Park also has a great wading pool.

4. Forest Lawn Ramp Playground
Forest Lawn – 52nd St SE between 8th Avenue and 14th Avenue.
Not only is there some good shade next to this playground, it also has small slides, accessible flooring, ramps, ground level activities, a saucer swing and a car bouncer. Crawlers will also enjoy being able to go under the ramps.

5. Cambrian Heights Park Playground
Cambrian Heights – 240 Cardiff Dr. NW. (just east of Northmount Dr.)
Cambrian Heights playground has great shade from a huge tree next to the playground. It also has tons of great features for babies, including accessible flooring, an Apollo spinner, saucer swings and ramps. You can also sit with your baby and bounce on the wobbly balance beam or spin around on the ring spinner.

6. Nellie Breen Park Playground
Inglewood – 14th St and St. Monica Ave SE
The shade at this park is fantastic and the flooring is an outdoor carpet which is nicer for crawling babies. The playground also features a big spinner, a saucer swing and Adirondack chairs that could be useful for nursing.
It has a ring spinner and bouncer that you can use while sitting with you baby. Babies will also enjoy pulling themselves up and cruising along the benches inside the gazebo.

7. Elboya Park Playground
46 Ave & 4a St. SW
At this playground you will find, shade, Adirondack chairs that could be useful for nursing, a small slide, ground level activities, baby swings and accessible flooring.

8. Rosedale School Playground
9th St and 11th Ave NW
This playground near Rosedale School has some lovely large shade trees on the west side. It also offers ground level activities, a large Apollo spinner, saucer swings, bowl spinner, small double slide and accessible flooring throughout.

9. Killarney Accessible Playground
29 St SW at 19 Ave SW
This accessible playground has large, mature trees nearby, a little ramp, a small double slide and a little bouncy car.

10. Haysboro Natural Playground
As long as your little one is not overly interested in eating rocks, you and your baby will enjoy this playground. There is plenty of shade to be found, a little slide, a big slide you can go down with your baby, baby swings and lots of hills, logs and stumps to practice moving around on for more mobile babies.

11. Simons Valley School Playground
Sandarac Drive and Sandalwood Gate NW
Not only does this playground offer great shade, it also has an Apollo spinner, ground level musical features, saucer swings and accessible flooring throughout.

12. Visa Heights Jungle Playground
1820 Valleyview Rd NE
This playground has some large trees nearby for shade, a great ramp system that doesn’t get super high, ground level musical features, a bowl spinner, a baby swing and space to crawl underneath the climber too.

13. Prince’s Island Park Playground
Prince’s Island Park (Just North of downtown)
One of Calgary’s most beautiful parks offers lots of large shade trees, baby swings, a ground level activity gazebo, small double slides and partially accessible flooring.

14. Mayfair Playground
Malibou Rd & Medford Pl. SW
This lovely neighborhood playground has nearby shade, a ramp, a small slide, a baby swing, a saucer swing, a bowl spinner and accessible flooring throughout.

15. Utah Park Playground
3420 16 Ave. N.W.
Utah Park is split up into two sections. The pea gravel area is set up primarily for bigger kids but the area with accessible flooring is great for little ones. The shade is excellent with a baby swing and ramp and an Apollo and bowl spinners on the far side.

What playgrounds do you like to take babies to?