These playgrounds have more than just accessible flooring, they are great places for kids with special needs to play. Watch for updates to this list coming this spring!
Please note: I have noted the parks on this list that have public bathrooms. Typically these bathrooms are only open seasonally.
1. South Glenmore Park Playground
South Glenmore Park – 90 Ave. & 24 St. S.W.
South Glenmore Park was one of Calgary’s best accessible playgrounds when Calgary Playground Review first started. With some great new improvements over the last few years, it is back to the top of the list.
This play space includes not only a playground with accessible flooring and extensive inclusive play features, but also a spray park as well as a music garden just a short distance away.
The park is one of the few fully fenced playgrounds in Calgary and also includes a shaded rest area, water fountains, accessible washrooms, accessible parking and accessible pathways with views of the Glenmore Reservoir and sailing school.

2. Shouldice Park Playground
4900 Monserrat Dr N
Currently the city’s best inclusive playground. There is accessible flooring throughout the playground and space to move around. The ramps are extensive and double-wide. There are ground level musical features, lots of options for swinging, spinning and bouncing (including accessible swings) and a roller slide. This playground is fantastic for kids of all abilities providing great inclusive play in a lovely park setting.
There is a public bathroom at this park.

3. Hidden Hut Inclusive Playground
10504 Hidden Valley Dr NW
This playground is a really great playground for kids of all ages and abilities. The ramp system goes right up to the top (and is pretty high). There is room to turn around along the way. There is accessible flooring throughout with two different colours/textures which helps with navigation.
The playground has a lot of cool inclusive features including a wheelchair accessible sway rocker, two roller slides,texture, visual and auditory features and a 4 seater bouncer with back support.

4. Applestone Park Playground
188 Applewood Dr SE
One of the best accessible playgrounds in Calgary and one of the best playgrounds in the city period. It features an extensive ramp system and an accessible swing. The apollo and saucer swings are great for anyone who is able to transfer. With interesting activity panels, musical panels, sunshades and excellent ground floor accessibility, all children will be able to get into the play.
5. Northwest Commons Park – University District Playground
Thirsk St NW & Kovitz Ln NW
This playground strives for both accessibility and inclusiveness using Playcore’s 7 Principles for inclusive design. To support this goal, the playground includes things like: accessible flooring, a ramp system, an accessible double swing and spinner, tactile and musical features, a saucer swing, a sway fun rocker and a roller slide.

6. Vivo Inclusive Playground
Country Village Rd NE & Country Village Way NE
The parking access to this playground right now does require a bit of a trek along a paved pathway. This may change as the construction completes by the east parking lot.
The playground is one of Calgary’s few fully fenced playgrounds with only two access points. There is a covered picnic shelter right next to the playground. The playground has some really great inclusive features including a sway ride, accessible swings, saucer swings, ramps and a roller slide.

7. Thorncliffe Greenview Community Centre Playground
5600 Centre St N
This playground has accessible flooring throughout the play area and the main play structure has a ramp system. There is an egg bouncer, 4 seater bouncer, tandem swing and zipline that can all be used by people who need extra back support. This playground uses, visual, auditory and tactile features. The rope spinner and saucer swing can also be used by people who need physical support.

8. Renfrew Park Playground
811 Radford Road N.E.
This playground is designed for kids 5 and under. It features multi-level ramps, activity and musical panels, a ground floor playhouse set up for imaginative play, and an accessible swing.
9. Kenneth D. Taylor School Playground
30 Evanscove Cir NW
This playground strives for both accessibility and inclusiveness using Playcore’s 7 Principles for inclusive design. To support this goal, the playground includes things like: The climber has a good ramp system and steps. There is a roller slide and a seated spinner with back support. The playground includes spaces that could be used as quieter spaces and includes tactile and auditory features.
There is a short paved walk to get to the playground which is located at the back of the school. The entire play surface is paved and has some ground level play features.

10. Seton Park Playground – Elsa’s Tower
91 Seton Gardens SE
This playground has accessible flooring throughout the play area. There is an accessible swing. The 4 person bouncer and the seated spinners have back supports. It also features a saucer swing and roller slide. Inside the tower structure there is a easier spiral walkway you can use to get up.

11. Sandy Beach Inclusive Playground
Altadore – 4500 14A St. S.W.
Parking at this park can be a little hard to come by there is a good reason for the park’s popularity. The park is located along the river and has multiple bookable picnic sites.
This playground was designed with inclusivity in mind. The ramp system allows access to the majority of the central climber with room to turn around and activities at each level. There are auditory and tactile features as well as a roller slide and lots of options for spinning and swinging.

12. Livingston West Playground
Lucas Crescent and Lucas Parade NW
This playground was designed to be accessible for people who are hearing and vision impaired. This playground also has ground level features and accessible flooring throughout the play space. Saucer swings provide play opportunities for kids who need support while swinging (either by laying or sitting with another person).

13. Vista Heights Jungle Playground
Vista Heights – 1820 Valleyview Rd NE
Designed primarily for kids 5 and under, this playground has a cute jungle theme, a great ramp system that connects almost all of the climber. They also have great activity panels, musical panels and a number of different options for kids who like to bounce, swing or spin.
14. Riley Park Playground
800 12 St. N.W (South of SAIT)
The ramp is only one level high at this playground, however the ground floor, sheltered pretend play area with engaging panels makes up for it. Additionally, there are ground level musical features, and both a saucer swing and accessible swing which are good for kids who can transfer. The upper levels of the climber can be accessed with steps making them accessible to kids who are ambulatory.
There are public bathrooms at this park.

15. North Glenmore Park Inclusive Playground
7305 24 St. S.W.
This playground is located in one of Calgary’s major parks. The playground has parking nearby, washrooms and a shaded picnic site. There are many cool inclusive features such as an accessible zipline, ground level musical features and great ramp system.

16. Cambrian Heights Park Playground
240 Cardiff Dr. NW. (just east of Northmount Dr.)
The main climber at this playground is accessible only via steps, however there are lots of other features that make this playground great. The Aeroglider is designed to be used by someone in a wheelchair so they can enjoy a rocking motion, and the bus has a ramp from the ground level. There are multiple options for vestibular stimulation including an Apollo and three saucer swings were are great for kids who can transfer. There are some engaging ground level panels as well.

17. Forest Lawn Ramp Playground
52nd St SE between 8th Avenue and 14th Avenue
This playground has an extensive ramp system complete with interesting panels, some shade and spots where wheelchairs can turn around. The playground design allows for kids in wheelchairs or who are unsteady on their feet to get in amongst the play across the entire playground. There is also a saucer swing which is great for kids who can transfer.

18. Ted Harrison School Inclusive Playground
Taradale – 215 Taravista Way NE
The ramp system is 6 levels high and allows access to most of the large climber and has activity panels and room to turn around. There is an accessible swing, roller slide and accessible ground level merry-go-round.

19. Elliston Park Inclusive Playground
1827 68 St. S.E. (south of 17th ave between 60th and 68th)
Elliston park playground’s inclusive features includes an accessible zip line, accessible swings, a ground level merry-go-round and a great ramp system.

20. Bowness Park Playground
Bowness Park – 8900 48 Ave. N.W
Located in one of Calgary’s most popular parks, this playground has a preschool climber with a multi level ramp and sunshade as well as great manuverability for a wheelchair around the play space. The rest of the playground can be accessed with steps allowing excellent access for kids who are ambulatory but have reduced motor control or strength. The playground also has a saucer swing and Apollo spinner which are great for kids who are able to transfer.
There are public bathrooms at this park.

21. Rainbow Park Playground
Albert Park – Radcliffe Crescent SE
This playground has a great ramp system and a saucer swing. It also has two 1-person spinners and a bouncer for kids who benefit from vestibular stimulation.
22. Ramsay Inclusive Playground
Ramsay – Macdonald Ave SE and Bellevue Ave SE
This playground is unusual in that only it is spread across two tiers but both the other and upper tier are accessible. The flooring in both play areas has accessible flooring throughout, and there is a pathway connecting the two levels.
The main climber has a two level ramp and steps to make access easier. There is also an accessible ground level merry-go-round and ground level musical features.

23. Haultain Park Playground
225 13 Ave. S.W. (also known at 13 Ave Park)
The school-aged climber has ramps that go up 3 levels with panels, a canopy and room to turn around at each level. There is also a musical panel on the ground level. The preschool climber would have room for a wheelchair to move around at the ground level and steps to get up to the 2nd level. There is a saucer swing and a small merry-go-round spinner that could be used by people who were able to be transferred. There are a number of things that spin or swing for kids who benefit from vestibular motion.

24. Flyover Park – 4th Avenue Flyover Playground
651 McDougall Rd NE
There is accessible flooring throughout the play areas. There is a ramp up to the top of the hill. There is a transfer platform at the bottom of the roller slide. The tandem swing provides back support for both seats.

25. Midnapore School Playground
55 Midpark Rise SE
Midnapore School has accessible flooring throughout and a decent ramp system with interactive panels including musical features. There are also some ground level activities for pretend play. There are a couple of things that spin for kids who enjoy vestibular stimulation.

26. Blakiston Park Playground
Brentwood – 3023 Blakiston Dr NW
This playground has ground level musical features and accessible flooring throughout. Kids who can transfer may enjoy the accessible swing, a web-like saucer swing and a large web spinner (apollo). There is also accessible flooring throughout the play areas.

27. Guardian Angel School Playground
Aspen Woods – 20 Aspen Hills Dr SW
This playground has accessible flooring throughout, two spinners with supportive seats, steps up to the main climbing structure as well as some ground level and tactile features. It is tucked in the back of the school which makes it a little harder to get to but it is also set back from any roads.

28. Valleyview Park Playgrounds
Dover- 28 St and 30 Ave SE
There are actually two playgrounds with accessible flooring at Valleyview Park. The toddler playground is located along side the spray park and there is a fence that enclose them both. The school-age playground is up on the hill and does have some cool features.
There is a bathroom at this park.

29. Divine Mercy School Playground
228 Mahogany Blvd SE
There is accessible flooring throughout the play area. There is a roller slide, saucer swing and 4 person spinner with back supports. There are steps up to the main climber.

30. Edworthy Park Inclusive Playground
5050 Spruce Dr. S.W. (Bow Tr. & Spruce Dr. S.W.)
Edworthy Park is a very popular park for family picnics. The new inclusive playground is located on the southern side of the park and features accessible flooring throughout. There are washrooms nearby and shaded seating. The playground has a western theme and includes ramps, musical instruments, an accessible tandem swing and an accessible rocking wagon.

Honorable Mentions
1. Alberta Children’s Hospital Playground
2888 Shagnanappi Train N.W.
This park is great, but there is no free parking and the pay parking is really expensive which kept it off of the list. The access by bus is pretty good though, and it’s a great stop if you happen to by at the Children’s hospital anyway. The playground features a ramp with two low levels, activity panels, a steering wheel, chimes and periscope. It also has an accessible swing. Right near the playground there is wheelchair access up to the large Gazebo and paths throughout the park area.
2. Calgary Rotary Challenger Park
3688 48 Ave. N.E. (access from 48 Ave.)
This playground is specifically designed for people with special needs. Unfortunately, it’s location makes it pretty isolated and so it lacks a community presence. It has some great features including a roller slide, two low ramps, a gazebo with activity panels on the ground floor and an accessible swing. There are also some family picnic areas next to the playground.
3. West Dalhousie School Playground
Dalhousie –6502 58 St NW
Unfortunately, there is no great pathway to this school playground making it a little harder to access. It does however, have accessible flooring throughout, a small ramp with activity panels, lots of options for vestibular stimulation and an Apollo (large rope spinner) and saucer swing that can be enjoyed by kids who can transfer.

Is there a playground you think should be on this list? Let me know!
Do you have a list of fenced playgrounds? I see that there’s a few on this list, and that they are far and few in between!